JUST was inspired by a young man’s quest to do better. While learning to surf, a ten-year-old Jaden Smith saw a plastic bottle floating next to him in the water. Unable to shake the image of plastic polluting the Pacific, he decided to do something. What began as an introduction to the impact humans have on the environment became a Smith family obsession to do good.


JUST Water believes that even the smallest ripple can make a big splash. One carton might not save the world, but it’s a start. JUST inspires people to do good and feel good by making conscious choices that help people and the planet. JUST considers the materials we use, where they come from, and how they can be reused. Just Water’s mission to create better options for the things we need in our lives.

Keep an eye out for the new JUST 1L Spring Water Carton… 
With JUST Bubbles coming soon!

For more information about Just Water, please visit https://justwater.com/au